Cybersecurity Trends For 2019

The rise of cyberattacks in recent years has transformed cyber-security into a top priority within any given enterprise. Furthermore these attacks have been targeting indiscriminately not only small businesses and users, but large firms and even national institutions. The need for cybersecurity solutions has grown greatly until the point to become one of the best growing industries worldwide, expected to reach the $1 trillion mark by 2020.

The threat is even more worryingly as we live in an always-growing digitalised society, where millions of private and sensitive users data, roam across the web. In many cases, this data contains real people’s digital identities, which have become crucial for user’s everyday operations, and one of the most important assets to trade with …and a reclaim for hackers.

Luckily, with increasing digitalisation, growing concerns around cybersecurity by large tech firms and administrations, brought us more security solutions. Software, firewalls and antivirus systems have been benefited by recent developments in Artificial Intelligence, adaptive authentication, blockchain technology and the Internet of things, to name few, in this never-ending cat-and-mouse cybersecurity race.

What trends are we expect to see more in 2019 in terms of cybersecurity?

Intelligent security

The rise of “intelligent security” will certainly happen. This term has been around for the past few years, but now we’re finally seeing it come to fruition. Intelligent security combine aspects of machine learning and artificial intelligence with traditional security applications. The tools are more capable of adapting to new threats and to secure new types of applications.


Blockchain is another emerging technology that will be used in cybersecurity more in 2019. This distributed ledger allows secure transactions and identities of the parties involved are anonymous. Everything is validated through a public ledger, but information remains private. Security powered by blockchain can be applied to identity management software, transactional systems, healthcare data management and any other industry you can think of. By using the security of blockchain, companies could realistically save tons of time and money by streamlining transactions and securing them with blockchain.

IoT security tools

Internet of Things, or IoT, is a controversial technology. Its capabilities of connecting literally everything around a person allows it for levels of connection never seen before, but on the other hand it will increase the possibility of more devices being subjected to get hacked. That’s a lot of endpoints to secure and a lot of new threats to identify. IoT security tools, thus, have emerged to help prevent these unsuspecting endpoints from divulging sensitive information or becoming part of a botnet.

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